Humanities for the Public Good Initiative Communications Specialists
The Humanities for the Public Good Initiative (HPG) implements mini-granting, curricular, and fellowship programs to enhance the culture of humanities engagement on UNC’s campus. HPG seeks two graduate students for communications assistance. Position pays $25/hour; the hours will vary somewhatbut will likely average ~5/week.
The HPG newsletter is run on Campaign Monitor. Familiarity with it, as well as WordPress and Google spreadsheets, or capacity to quickly become familiar, is helpful. Successful applicants will have a once-weekly meeting with HPG Initiative director; otherwise, hours and work locations are flexible.
The work:
- Compile, write, and format monthly newsletter from template with materials supplied by HPG Initiative Director, including maintainenance newsletter subscription lists
- Devise standards and solicit entries for HPG blog
- Keep HPG website up-to-date
The right candidate(s) will be reliable, have great diction and a strong sense of the interesting, and an interest in (and interest in deepening understanding of) the public humanities. To apply, please use this web form to upload a short cover letter (no more than one page) and C.V. or resume.